Cebu City Seaport and Hotel Transfer


Book your car transfer ahead and save time on your trip!

  • *Select Travel Date

    If you're booking for tomorrow, contact us first to check availability before paying.

    *Pickup Time

    ₱400 Surcharge for midnight pick up (11:00 PM to 2:59 AM) payable to the driver in Php Cash

    *Voyage Details
    *Pickup and Drop off Options
    *Location of Hotel/Resort
    *Hotel/Resort and Address

    Include a Google Maps Link if any

    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle
    *Select the Type and Quantity of Vehicle


■ Highlights

We provide variety of vehicles for your scheduled trip, hosted exclusively for you and your chosen group of fellow travelers in the island of Cebu. If you’re going to or from the seaport, hotel, condominium, residence, resort, tours, and other popular destinations, we can help you. Sit back, relax in a convenient airconditioned vehicle with driver and fuel, and arrive on time and safely at your destination.

■ What’s Included

■ What’s Not Included

■ Terms and Conditions

  • Please be ready 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
  • In case of flight delay, contact us ahead of time to avoid surcharge per hour of waiting time.
  • If you are unable to use the service due to delays caused by unforeseen events and you message us within 3 hours before pickup, no surcharge or full refund will be issued in case of cancellation.
  • It will be considered a “no show” if you are unreachable after 1 hour waiting time. The driver will leave and no refund will be issued.
  • Long stop over is subject to a surcharge per hour.

■ Cancellation Policy

Free cancellation up to 48 hours prior to departure time, otherwise will be based on our Terms and Conditions.

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